There's no way I could ever write all the things for which I'm thankful. Behind my ability to write this blog are thousands of things to be thankful for...I'm thinking my health, my education, access to a computer...just to get started.
But things in the past (and things that continue on today) are what are on my mind this Thanksgiving. Afterall, it is the past that makes us who we are, and puts us in the shoes we wear today.
So, other than our Father above, I can't think of any other reason why I'm where I am today than the love of my Mom and Dad. For that, I am, and always will be profoundly grateful. There are so many things that Mom and Dad did, and still do, out of a sacrificial heart and a commitment to their God, each other, and their children.
I'm thankful that my Mom made it her ambition in life to be a wife and mother. She gives her life to her children and in so doing, fulfilled the greatest Christian act, quietly leading each of her children to the Gospel.
I'm thankful that Mom loves each of her children equally and embraces their spouses as children as well. I'm thankful that she is a wonderful grandmother. I'm thankful that she has endured difficulties in her life that she often bore in silence and carried on with a meek forcefullness and strength. I'm thankful that she has the ability to make things seem all right, even when the storms arise.
On a lighter note, I'm thankful that she taught me to be organized and to care about my things. I'm thankful that she taught us to be on guard, to listen before we speak, and not to get to carried away with the things of the moment. I'm thankful that she taught us to respect other people.
My Dad sacrificed much and taught us many things as well. I'm so very proud that my Dad worked hard for his family. I'm proud and thankful for the things that he accomplished in his businesses. I'm thankful for his ever generous spirit--and thankful that he fulfills what the apostle Paul told us about working so that we might be able to share with others.
I'm very thankful for the work ethic he showed us and instilled in each of his children. I'm thankful that he never gave up even when business went bad. I'm thankful for his intelligence, for his uncanny ability to see through people...perhaps you could call that shrewdness.
I'm thankful for the financial rewards of his hard work---that his children never wanted for anything and that they each were set well on their way. Perhaps, because of my age, I was shielded from some worries that my other siblings may have experienced, but I am thankful that I never had to worry about having health insurance, car insurance, repaying student loans, or even more basically--having a home and food and clothes.
I'm thankful that Dad has always found a way. I'm thankful that we were always taken to church and taught the Bible. I'm thankful that we had a Christian education. I'm thankful that the top priority has always been to serve God.
I'm thankful that we have a family business and although we are not perfect, we can be Christians there and steer that business as Christians should. I'm thankful for the time we all got to spend together in Dad's business. It's unique and rare to have a family working together as we did--and even more rare that most of the time, we got along well.
I'm thankful that Mom and Dad both taught us to see things through to the end, not to give up, and to stick with our commitments. I'm thankful that they taught us to be frugal and patient.
I'm sure I could think of many other things just in relation to my parents, but for now, I'll just say, "Thanks Mom and Dad, I Love You".